Behavioral and Mental Health Billing Services

What is the difference between Behavioral and Mental Health Billing Services?

As a discipline, behavioral health billing services refers to mental health, psychiatric, marriage and family counseling and addictions treatment, and it includes services provided by social workers, counselors, psychiatrists, neurologists and physicians. Behavioral health also includes both mental health and substance use, encompassing a continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support services. 

Behavioral and Mental Health Billing Services

All psychotherapy CPT codes are time-based. The time for a psychotherapy code is defined as the time spent with the patient and/or patient’s family.

While time for each code is specified in increments of 30, 45, or 60 minutes, the coding manual actually allows for some flexibility. Luckily, the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) has developed a rule for recording time accurately when it does not match the exact time increments specified in the CPT code. The rule is:

CPT CodeTotal Duration
9083216-37 minutes
9083438-52 minutes
9083753 minutes”}”>> 53 minutes
90846, 9084726 minutes”}”>> 26 minutes

There are many CPT codes currently used by mental health professional that can be reported under the following categories:

  • Health Behavior Assessment and Intervention (CPT codes 96156-96171)
  • Psychotherapy Codes (CPT codes 90832-90863)
  • Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Codes (CPT codes 96105-96146)

Synergy HCLS for Behavioral and Mental Health Billing Services providers

  • Stay updated on the HIPAA regulations for behavior & mental health billing and coding.
  • Apply accurate, complete and consistent coding practices.
  • Assign and report only the codes that are clearly and consistently supported by the coding documentation. This documentation can include forms, records and other electronic and/or scanned images of clinical procedures and other medical services.
  • Instantly know the ICD codes for behavior & mental health, which allow us to submit clean claims. 
  • Stay on top of the yearly changes in the CPT codes or mental health services offered
  • Seek clarification and proper documentation from the provider prior to assigning codes when documentation is conflicting, incomplete or ambiguous.
  • Are credentialed through AHIMA, AAPC or other accredited professional coding organizations and follow all procedures necessary to maintain these credentials.
What is Behavioral Health Medical Billing?

Proper Documentation for Behavioral and Mental Health Billing Services

Benefit from our expertise in Behavioral & Mental Health Billing Services.

Documentation plays the essential role of explaining the medical necessity of procedures rendered by the provider. All documentation must comply with legal/regulatory requirements of the state in which the provider practices.

All medical records should include:

  • Date of service and provider information
  • History
  • Observations and type of therapy
  • Diagnoses
  • Medications
  • Progress and follow-up

If you’re a little uncertain about documentation, or just don’t have the time, consider hiring Synergy HCLS. We can handle all sorts of administrative and clerical tasks with expertise and efficiency.

We also provide following services for Behavioral and Mental Health Professionals:

AR and Payment Posting
Denial Management
Physician Credentialing
Medical Record Transcription
Medical Summarization

Behavioral Health Billing Software Experience

Cardiology medical billing can be more challenging than any other specialties billing due to the complex cardiology medical codes

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